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Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 a.c. bhaktivedanta swami |
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![]() Jul 8, 2006 Wednesday, 8 July, 1970 Los Angeles My Dear Sridama, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 10th June, 1970, and have noted the contents with great interest. I am so happy to learn that you have been so well received in Provincetown by the young boys and girls. It is a fact that the hippies are our best clients. I had very good response in San Francisco during Rathayatra festival. I saw that they were taking up the chanting of Hare Krsna maha mantra very feelingly even without the presence of any devotee to lead them. They appreciated my lecture and I appreciated their attitude. They joined in Rathayatra very enthusiastically. So try your best to convince them by very nice preaching and in particular very nice Sankirtana party and distribution of our literatures. It is very good news also that you have received permission in Providence for chanting and distributing literature and incense as well as collecting. Now you should concentrate to develop your spiritual power to attract the fallen souls to Krsna consciousness. The daily regulative duties must be performed by everyone very strictly, the beads chanted sixteen rounds, and our literatures read and discussed. In this way everything should be done very nicely. Sankirtana should be done by you in the streets and at gatherings and in this manner display what is this Krsna consciousness movement and how it is for everyone's eternal welfare and happiness. So you do all these with great enthusiasm and very carefully. Our all activities must be open so that no one may criticize our mission, so all dealing must be to the standard of Vaisnavism. We cannot misrepresent ourselves for the purpose of taking monies from the public, but as everything is undertaken forthrightly in Krsna consciousness way, then Lord Krsna will be pleased to provide all facilities for aiding our such sincere service. Regarding your closing the temple in Providence during the very cold winter months and going to Florida at that time, yes, you may do it, but in that case you may not install any Deities in the temple. Worship of Deities means special care must be there for regular uninterrupted service and the Deities cannot be moved from place to place. So you must have picture of Pancatattva for worshiping and making offerings. This picture along with Acarya pictures may be carried from one place to another. Lord Caitanya is very kind and He accepts the simplest worship or simply sincere chanting of the Holy Names of Krsna. Please offer my blessings to your good wife and to Sriman Nanda Kisora and his wife. Hope this will meet all of you in good health. I am very glad to know that you are selling our Bhagavad-gita AS IT IS; so keep the accounts for book and BTG sales daily, and issue a check for payment weekly according to the amount of literatures sold. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS:db letters | 14:43 | 8 July, 1970 Los Angeles Manager Security Pacific Bank Culver City Branch No. 94 Los Angeles Dear Sir: Re: My account No. 836-237 with you Please transfer $1,500.00 (One thousand and five hundred dollars and no cents) to the First National Bank of Boston, Brighton Avenue Branch, in favor of account No. 516-5642. ISKCON Press, and charge the same to my account as above mentioned. Yours sincerely, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS:db letters | 14:42 | 8 July, 1970 Los Angeles Manager Security Pacific Bank Culver City Branch No. 94 Los Angeles Dear Sir: Re: My account No. 836-237 with you Please issue a cashier's check for $1,400.00 (One thousand and four hundred dollars and no cents) in favor of Dai Nippon Printing Company Limited, and charge the same to my account as above mentioned. Yours sincerely, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS:db letters | 14:41 | 8 July, 1970 Los Angeles Manager Security Pacific Bank Culver City Branch No. 94 Los Angeles Dear Sir: Re: My account No. 836-237 with you Please transfer $546.00 (Five hundred and forty-six dollars and no cents) to the First National Bank of Boston, Brighton Avenue Branch, in favor of account No. 516-5642, ISKCON Press, and charge the same to my account as above mentioned. Yours sincerely, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS:db letters | 14:40 | Jul 7, 2006 Tuesday, 7 July, 1970 Los Angeles My Dear Yamuna, Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for sending me the Jagannatha Prasadam pera. This is a very nice sweetmeat, so you learn the art how to prepare it. I think it is purchased from some Indian shop. But you should try to prepare it yourself. I hope your Rathayatra preparation was completed and the procession very grand and gorgeous. Previously Syamasundara. wrote me to participate in the Rathayatra festival, but since then I have not heard anything from him. Where is he now? At George's place or in a different apartment? I have received a letter from Mukunda recently, but I have not received any letter from Syamasundara. I am very glad to learn that you are vibrating the mantras from ISOPANISAD and BHAGAVAD GITA independently. Here they are chanting these mantras on the streets during Sankirtana Party and the people are responding very nicely. Hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS:db The more you advance in Krsna Consciousness, the more you will feel such ecstasy. This is Krsna's grace. So remain fixed up in the service, at the same time try to train others because we shall have to open so many centers. Unless we have got very trained up pujaris it will be difficult for us to install Deities. There is a good advertisement of us in India, and if some Indians come to our temple and see that the arcana worship is not being done properly, then there will be great criticism. A.C.B.S. Note to Gurudasa: My dear Gurudasa: Please accept blessings. I have duly received your recent letter. Reply will follow. In the meantime I have written one letter to Ksirodakasayi about visiting India next year. Please let me know what arrangement is being made for this. A.C.B. letters | 14:45 | 7 July, 1970 Los Angeles My Dear Jananivasa, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 12th June, 1970, and noted the contents carefully. I am very glad to learn that you are appreciating the importance of very nice Sankirtana activities for the purpose of attracting people to our movement. This was the simple program of Lord Caitanya and it is our business to follow His Sankirtana Movement for the welfare of everyone. So please see that your Sankirtana program is made as attractive as possible. You write to say that your preaching work has not been very successful at the Ohio State University, but your visits to several other nearby have been well received. This is good news that in several university campuses Krsna Consciousness movement is well liked and you are giving a credit course next winter. So do not be discouraged that some of the young students are too much involved with some other business to listen, but go on with the work undaunted. Actually the younger generation, especially the hippies are our best clients, so they are feeling very keenly the frustration of material life and it is our duty as Vaisnavas to be very sympathetic with them and give this Krsna consciousness to them some way or other. I am very glad also to know that you are managing the schedule of your center very capably. Of course Sankirtana is our most important engagement, but all the temple activities must go on regularly without any pause. This following of the daily duties will carry us to the spiritual platform very rapidly. I have looked over the sample of test paper from Srimati Joanne and it is very nice. This question and answer practice should be encouraged amongst the devotees. Then they will become trained to reply questions from outsiders. Yes, you are right to say that as our devotees become more devotional, the nondevotees also come to hear. To become advanced in spiritual life of devotional service to Krsna means to acquire spiritual strength, and this spiritual strength is for impressing devotional service into the hearts of the fallen souls. Also you must all become expert preachers and show the exemplary life of a devotee you must keep yourself spiritually fit by observing the regulative principles strictly. Regarding the initiations of the two girls, I have chanted their beads duly and returned the same to them by mail parcel. I hope they have been received by this time. I beg to thank you very much for your contribution of $40 on behalf of these new initiates which as been duly entered in the book fund account. Please convey my blessings to all the devotee boys and girls there in Columbus center. Hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS:db letters | 14:44 | Jul 4, 2006 Saturday, 4 July, 1970 Los Angeles My Dear Himavati, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter and I am very sorry to learn that you are injured in a motor accident. I have come to San Francisco on account of Rathayatra festival and shall be returning by next Tuesday. Do not be worried by lying down. Chant Hare Krsna mantra and Krsna will help you to be free from this confinement very soon. In my previous letter I informed you that you better stick to the arcana bidhi of the temple, and I confirm the same again that in future you will always remain in the temple. So we should always consider that this material world is a dangerous place and therefore we shall chant Lord Nrsimha's Holy Name in order to be protected by Him in all dangers. namaste narasinghaya prahladahla-dadayine hiranyakasipor baksah silatamka-nakhalaye ito nrsinghah parato nrsingho bahir nrsingho hrdaye nrsingho nrsingham adim saranam prapadye tava kara-kamala-vare nakham adbhuta-srngam dalita-hiranyakasipu-tanu-bhrngam keshava dhrta-narahari-rupa jaya jagadisa hare Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 14:40 | 4 July, 1970 Los Angeles My Dear Acyutananda, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 21st June, 1970, as well as the telegram conveying the news of Jayapataka's arrival. I am also enclosing a letter for him in reply to his letter from Brussels. I hope by this time you have occupied the apartment and now conjointly you can work nicer. Jayapataka is a very sincere devotee and intelligent also. Both of you combined together can do some real service to the cause of Lord Krsna and Lord Caitanya. Regarding the land, many hindrances are coming one after another but still I say that you purchase the land of Jabed Ali. We shall take the risk because the proprietorship of Jabed Ali is clear, so there is not risk of purchasing the land. The next risk is that they will not allow us to construct building. The land in that part of the country is agricultural certainly and Sridhara Maharaja or Yayabar Maharaja have got land in that vicinity however. Sridhara Maharaja's land is not very big plot. So I will be glad to know what is the measurement of the land and what is the price. If Sridhara Maharaja and others' lands are on the agricultural plot and they are permitted to construct building why we shall be refused for doing so? I think you shall purchase the land of Jabed Ali Sekh and at the same time apply for permission. That will be nice. Please immediately let me know if you have removed to the Ballygunge apartment as informed to me previously--this is essential. You are preaching in Calcutta in educated circles, that is alright, but there is no use of your going to the interior villages. My principle is that where my other Godbrothers cannot preach I shall go there. On my behalf you should follow this principle, also. Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja did not very much like preaching amongst women, so you should also avoid such meetings. Now Jayapataka and yourself combined together shall preach in English this Krsna consciousness philosophy amongst the educated circle and perform Kirtana. So first of all let me know if you have changed your address, then I shall let you know the program of work and if required I shall send some more American and English boys. As soon as we get our own place many Indian boys from other camps will join us. So immediately let me know if you have removed to your new address. Awaiting your early reply. Hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami P.S. What about my place at Radha Damodara Temple. My money is already advanced to them. Please let me know where is the key? Sometimes you may go there and live for a few days. On hearing from you, I shall send you the copy of the advanced money receipt both by the ___. Reply this letter to L.A. address 3764 Watseka Avenue L.A. ACBS:db letters | 14:39 | |
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